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Continuing the forward movement of many years of dedication for assisted living

Introducing Connie Gamble, secretary on the South East Community Services Co-operative (SECSC) board of directors. Connie recently joined the board because she feels strongly about being active in her own community and contributing to its success. She goes on to say that those who have been on the board have done great work setting a […]

Providing leadership to allow seniors to age in place and to keep families together

Introducing Jonathon Prevost, the vice president of the South East Community Services Co-operative (SECSC). Jonathon joined the inaugural SECSC board in 2020 and brings with him years of community service and experience. Prior to joining the SECSC, Jonathon was instrumental in forming the Piney Regional Chamber of Commerce in 2016, developing a strategic plan and […]

Leading innovation to allow residents to remain within our community

Introducing Martin Van Osch, the president of the South East Community Services Co-operative (SECSC). Martin joined the SECSC board as a founding member in 2020 after being approached by East Borderland Community Housing (EBCH) seeking a renewed approach to addressing seniors housing in the region. Martin took on the task of looking at different options […]

New Funding for Assisted Living Housing in SE Manitoba

The Timberline Community Housing Project just got another step closer to its vision for a 20-room assisted living housing community located in Sprague, Manitoba. The board of South East Community Services Co-operative (SECSC) was informed on July 31, 2023 of their successful application to Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s Seed Funding Program with a grant […]

Community Outreach Findings for Southeast Manitoba Transit Opportunities

The Southeast Regional Transportation Initiative (SERTi) lead by the RM of Piney and Eco-West Canada, completed its needs assessment of transit service in Southeast Manitoba (east of the Red River and south of the TransCanada Highway). The community outreach phase gathered critical feedback from community residents, businesses and leaders, to better understand the region’s ridership […]

Keeping our seniors at the heart of our communities

Couple Walking

“Knowledge, experience, wealth and time are all critical elements in building a successful community.” Doug Griffiths, 13 Ways to Kill Your Community In the 2021 Census, the RM of Piney had the highest percentage of seniors of any municipality in southeast Manitoba with 25.5 per cent of residents over 65 years of age. An additional […]

Creating Regional Transit Opportunities for Southeast Manitoba

On Thursday, September 22, 2022, the RM of Piney and Eco-West Canada, who are working on a regional, collaborative approach to complete a needs assessment of transit service in southeast Manitoba (east of the Red River and south of the TransCanada Highway), hosted a meeting in Steinbach to formally launch the initiative. This was the […]